Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tonight Is The Real Test

Late in Burning Crusade, (like, October or so), my guild merged with another guild who had the skill to raid, but not quite enough bodies, and certainly not the leadership. We were lacking a few bodies ourselves, and so we all teamed up. The merge went well, for the most part, but between members of that guild returning for the xpac, and members of our guild doing the same, we're
quite a large group at this point. Large enough that this week we're doing an experiment. The "can we run 2 naxxes a week?" experiment.

Our first group ran last night, and was somewhat successful. I ended up respeccing my paladin to ret to fill in a spot, (we've got folks travelling for business this week which caused some absenses), but everyone who should've been there was, and with one exception, no one who shouldn't have been there, was. Unfortunately they poached one of the tanks we had scheduled for tonight, but we've got an alt that'll fill in nicely, so no harm done.

Tonight, then is the real test. If our run fails, then we've "proven" that we can't run two groups. Not really, but in the eyes of our raiders, and that's even more damaging. "Why should I show up, we're going to fail" is a raid-killer.

In all likelihood I'll be leading this shin-dig, and I'm kind of irrationally worried. My roster is a mix of players I'm quite confident in, and those who are a bit less skilled, but everyone's willing to try. My healing core looks a tad weak, and that worries me, but hopefully everyone will be on their game tonight. The damage maybe looks a bit light, but since I'm huntering, and I've got our best-geared fury warrior, we should be alright.

Wish us luck, Internets!!

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